mediaCastpro. footage marketplace
mediaCastpro. footage marketplace

HD & 4K stock footage on any topic

Buy royalty-free stock footage

Low prices
4K footage from $38
No subscriptions
You only pay for what you buy
No usage limits
on audience size or distribution channel
No credit attribution
to make everything easier
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For now only, you can access as guest and view the footage even without having an account! Click on "login".
Great freedom of use
No limits on number of projects, audience size or distribution channel and no need for attribution
We are a fair platform
because we give contributors most of the revenue (at least 70%)
Videos on mediaCastpro often cost less than on other platforms because we are a B2B platform accessible only to registered users, with less expenses and less traffic, because we use an innovative storage system, and because we guarantee sellers a much higher percentage on purchases, so they can sell for less.
Some videos that cost over $100 on other platforms cost less than $40 here. Register now to take advantage of these prices!
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The platform in numbers
Countries in which we are operational
We are open in the European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ukraine, India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Thailand
Currencies supported
Each user pays and receives money only in their own currency - we take care of the conversions
100 K +
Clips for sale
The number of clips continues to grow by category and topic
$ 4.0 M +
Overall value *
Upload your own videos to increase this value
* calculated as the minimum expenditure that you need to incur to purchase all the clips for sale on the site, always choosing the cheapest license among those available.
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Yuri Arcurs
On mediaCastpro you can find over 50,000 stock videos of Yuri Arcurs, the world's #1 microstock photo- and videographer!
Browse the portfolio and take advantage of discounts if you purchase more than one clip.
All videos are safely stored, encrypted and always accessible, thanks to Storj, the Globally Distributed Cloud Object Storage - the greenest data storage on earth.
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The platform at a glance
A marketplace that allows sellers to independently choose prices and licenses for their video footage.
A platform that allows you to sell whole video shoots, without having to crop or rework them first, as is the case with microstock. Even if the videos have a profile in Log, you only need to tell the site the correct LUT to generate a preview with realistic colors.
A place accessible only to audiovisual professionals, where entire video footage can be sold and purchased on any subject, including news and events.
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